
From Financed Emissions to Long-Term Investing Metrics

This report presents the results of the 2° Investing Initiative’s review of GHG emissions accounting for the financial sector.

Part I of the report establishes the case for developing financed emissions methodologies. Part II provides a state-of-the-art review of a dozen of ‘financed emissions’ methodologies developed to assess equity portfolios, corporate loan books, and banks. The study concludes with an outlook as to the potential of financed emissions methodologies to help align the financial sector with 2° climate scenarios and the associated implications for policymakers.

2DII today announced it is transferring stewardship of the Paris Agreement Capital Transition Assessment (PACTA) to RMI, formerly Rocky Mountain Institute. PACTA measures financial portfolios' alignment with various climate scenarios, including those consistent with the Paris Agreement. Under RMI’s stewardship, PACTA will remain a free, independent, open-source methodology and tool, and will continue to provide the financial and supervisory community with forward-looking, science-based scenario analysis to help users make climate-aligned financing decisions. RMI will invest in scaling up PACTA’s usability and applicability in day-to-day investment decisions as well as reporting requirements.

Access the full press release here: the coming weeks, we will update this website with additional information. For now, please note that all contact information remains unchanged.