
April 11, 2024

New Open-Source Research Database on Retail Investing


2DII is committed to providing sound and open-access research, this is our DNA. High-quality data is key in good analysis and research work for researchers, policymakers, supervisors, journalists, or industry.

We are therefore delighted to announce that we have made all our research data from our investor preference surveys (covering 14 EU countries) and mystery shopping visits (covering 11 EU countries) since 2021 public. You will find a table below listening all countries, number of participants, time periods, and topics in scope. Thanks to the feedback from various researchers, we developed a new GitHub repository which will evolve and be continually updated with the most recent data from our research work on retail investing in Europe.

What will you find?

  1. The (anonymized) raw data of all our surveys and mystery shopping visits collected since 2021, additionally, the summary tables in Excel and documentations that will help you to understand the methodology we used.
  2. This raw data is also available on R, you will only need to charge the library “Data.2DII,” and you will have on your console the raw data and documentations.
  3. The survey and mystery shopping questionnaires that we have developed on those years as well as the research papers which resulted out of the work.

Key features:

  1. High-quality data – All the data are accurate, relevant, and complete, often obtained through thorough collection processes and rigorous validation methods, ensuring its suitability for analysis, decision-making, and other purposes.
  2. Accessibility – The data can be accessed, retrieved, and utilized by everyone with basic software programs. Accessibility ensures that different stakeholders can obtain the information they need efficiently and promptly, promoting transparency, collaboration, and informed decision-making.
  3. Updated information – The data has been collected over three years reflecting changes, for instance, before and after the implementation of MiFID II and SFDR. Updating information involves updating and improving our questionnaire we used for our surveys and mystery shopping visits to maintain the integrity and usefulness of datasets over time.

How to get started:

  1. Visit our GitHub page:
  2. Read the README if you want to install the package on R or understand the data available.

3. Navigate through the folder “Excel and documentation” where you find readymade Excel tables and materials such as questionnaire and feedback forms related to each dataset.

At 2DII, we want to continue increasing the research on sustainable finance. We believe that making our data accessible for our community will maximize the impact of our work and connect different stakeholders such as researchers, analysts or journalists.

To share any comment or feedback on this provided resource, please feel free to contact us at:

This project is part of the Retail Investing Research Program at 2DII which is one of the largest publicly funded research projects about the supply, demand, distribution and policy side of the sustainable retail investment market in Europe.


2DII today announced it is transferring stewardship of the Paris Agreement Capital Transition Assessment (PACTA) to RMI, formerly Rocky Mountain Institute. PACTA measures financial portfolios' alignment with various climate scenarios, including those consistent with the Paris Agreement. Under RMI’s stewardship, PACTA will remain a free, independent, open-source methodology and tool, and will continue to provide the financial and supervisory community with forward-looking, science-based scenario analysis to help users make climate-aligned financing decisions. RMI will invest in scaling up PACTA’s usability and applicability in day-to-day investment decisions as well as reporting requirements.

Access the full press release here: the coming weeks, we will update this website with additional information. For now, please note that all contact information remains unchanged.